Last week I was hosted by the University of Iowa's swim team boosters as the celebrated the unveiling of the Jack Sieg relief and their first meet. As always the folks at the University of Iowa, especially Rod lehnertz and Marc Long were incredibly generous hosts. It was also homecoming weekend so we were able to partake in an array of events including the I-Clubs Kick-off Breakfast, The Hall of Fame Luncheon, The Homecoming Parade, The swim meet and finally the game between Iowa and Penn State. look forward to my next visit to the Hawkeye State!
Director of Planning Rod Lehnertz and Head Swimming coach Marc Long
Jack Sieg

The University of Iowa Football team making their way through the crowd to touch the "Kinnick helmet", a tradition started with the piece after the unveiling
The Kinnick Relief
You have spelled the name of the University of Iowa butterfly swimmer "Jack Sieg". His last name is spelled Seig. Otherwise, great blog post!
...or is it Seig? The plaque says "Seig", the sculpture says "Sieg", I'm guessing it is Sieg? Anyhow, amazing sculpture, and Jack was an amazing swimmer! lol Just want to be as accurate as possible when informing English students in Spain about how Iowa developed the butterfly stroke! Cheers!
Glad to see you are still involved with the University of Iowa. Still love seeing Nile at every home game. We visited you and Nile when he was in progress. Still on of my favorite Hawkeye memories. The whole family was at that Penn State game, too. What a great atmosphere! Go HAWKS!! - Bill Schenkelberg
His name was Jack SIEG. He taught me how to do the butterfly in about 1960 at the Cabana Club, which he owned, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I still do a decent fly at 74 years of age, in his honor.
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