This photo was taken during a recent visit by University of Iowa dignitaries Jane Meyer - Senior Associate Director of Athletics and Rod Lehnertz- Director of Planning. Here Jane and Rod are examining the sculpture which is in progress. The visit was a great success. There also was an update at Hawkeye Central which was posted after their trip out to Vermont. complete with a batch of photos.
Regards, LJN
Courage is the greatest of all the virtues. Because if you haven't courage, you may not have an opportunity to use any of the others.-- Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) English Author 
great job, WOW, knocking their socks off!!!excellent article, you should be PROUD... :)
going to have to start making our travel plans for August 2006, so EXCITING...great pictures of the renovation of Kinnick Stadium, including some great picks of the Kinnick Statue
We sure do have to make travel plans for Iowa -It will be so exciting! What a fantastic job you are doing! You have so much creativity inside you, and the motivation to put the hard work in. I am honored to know you and have you part of the family.
They took some great pics durring the visit! They really showed the detail.
Thanks you guys
Hi there:)
Awesome, inspiring & simply, the best website I have had the pleasure of visiting!
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