I had a wonderful visit by an excited Hawkeye family the other day. Bill Schenkelberg - BBA 1995, his wife Laurie - Pharm.D. 1998 and their two children Courtney and William Nile (you dont hafta guess who he was named after!). It was great to be able to share what I have completed on the piece up till now with them. I was a bit nervous but they gave me the thumbs up! They also brought me the nice Hawkeye t-shirt they are holding in the picture.
They made it home in time to see the Hawkeyes demolish Ball State......
Iowa is now ranked 7th in the country! Go Hawkeyes! Regards LJN

"The work an unknown good man has done is like a vein of water flowing hidden underground, secretly making the ground green."-- Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) Scottish Writer