Monday, September 19, 2005

University of Windsor???

This photo was taken during a recent visit by University of Iowa dignitaries Jane Meyer - Senior Associate Director of Athletics and Rod Lehnertz- Director of Planning. Here Jane and Rod are examining the sculpture which is in progress. The visit was a great success. There also was an update at Hawkeye Central which was posted after their trip out to Vermont. complete with a batch of photos.
Regards, LJN

Courage is the greatest of all the virtues. Because if you haven't courage, you may not have an opportunity to use any of the others.-- Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) English Author Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 12, 2005

The Kinnick lift!

Thats me and Bob Haight assembling the structure that is going to support the 12' sculpture of Nile Kinnick. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

A Hawkeye visit!

I had a wonderful visit by an excited Hawkeye family the other day. Bill Schenkelberg - BBA 1995, his wife Laurie - Pharm.D. 1998 and their two children Courtney and William Nile (you dont hafta guess who he was named after!). It was great to be able to share what I have completed on the piece up till now with them. I was a bit nervous but they gave me the thumbs up! They also brought me the nice Hawkeye t-shirt they are holding in the picture.
They made it home in time to see the Hawkeyes demolish Ball State......Iowa is now ranked 7th in the country! Go Hawkeyes!
Regards LJN
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"The work an unknown good man has done is like a vein of water flowing hidden underground, secretly making the ground green."-- Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) Scottish Writer

Saturday, September 03, 2005

This is a shot of Carlos Santana with the first VH1 award that myself, Robert DuGrenier and Joe Palatucci collaborated on! Posted by Picasa

Nature does not bestow virtue; to be good is an art.-- Seneca

Thursday, September 01, 2005

New VH1 Award

In the midst of the Kinnick project I have also been able to Assist my friend Robert DuGrenier in creating another award for VH1. I called on the assistance of my friend Joe Pallatucci whose hand we cast for use in a previous award for the network. Since Joe's hand had already gone thru the stringient approval process we knew he was the guy for the job. Keep your eyes open for a VH1 awards show coming soon! (Photo of the cast and mold below)
Regards LJN

"The most absurd and reckless aspirations have sometimes led to extraordinary success."-- Vauvenargues
Mold and cast for award Posted by Picasa